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Rabu, 28 April 2010

Singles be happy : "Are You Singles ??"

Some people are asking, what's singles ..? whether people who have never dating singles could be said ..?

Sometimes the question is silly, but really we need to know the meaning of singles. "Let me not say lack of association." Singles ..... Singles term derived from the Sundanese (West Java), as the word ridicule or scorn for someone who had a difficult match means he has never had a crush on anyone at all.

Never seeing each other, until the age old enough she has not married because no one likes him, they love it do not even get to the rest of his life. Now the term in the singles was give to someone like that, and for those who have a nickname Singles is something embarrassing for his family. Singles now spread into slang meaning single, have not got a girl or not having a boyfriend, whatever good things that have not been going out or already broken ..

There are several types of such singles :

Singles True : This status is usually pure adherents never going out, not to understand about love, because his mind is only focused on the study or career or something outside of love, and never even liked anyone. General characteristics: thick glasses, looks a bit messy sometimes.

Singles Blue : Usually adopted by someone who had officially dropped out courtship, usually for reasons of boredom or longer empty. General characteristics: cheerful face as new inmates are free, have found life again, often seen street with their friends and so forth.

Singles Hunter : This status is usually for people who already enjoy the status jomblonya, often dressing couples, singles again and again new hunting partner. Characteristics generally have a talent like a celebrity, confidence is high, and often dispersive charm.

Singles Final : This status for jomblowers who are close to someone and almost took off his singles status. General feature of every day can not be separated from the mirror, diligent care for face and body, like reading horoscopes, and love to smile to myself when reading SMS.

Singles Minus : This status for the new diputusin by her partner and be in the mood to sad or unable to accept the reality of the breakup. General characteristics of emotional, not like romantic movies, and mood worsened.

Singles Sniper : Never go out, but it was like someone. Unfortunately, not yet dared to express love to someone he liked. General characteristics: lack of confidence, often alone in a quiet place.

Singles Error : Never successfully undergo courtship, when expressed in love is always rejected, and almost always like someone who already has a girlfriend. General characteristics are always excited when invited to an acquaintance, and had been chasing the desire to become engaged, marry and so forth.

Singles Impossible : a status to someone who is not likely to have people he likes, because people who liked the artist or celebrity, girlfriend conglomerate, the wife of a neighbor, and so forth. General characteristics and captivating look neat, and acts like artist.

Singles Forever : This status is only reserved for someone who is just waiting and hoping to have a man or woman of your dreams, without a clear business. Characteristics generally have an idol posters everywhere and the term is too obsessed with celebrity fans.

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